Raw Bauxite

Raw Bauxite is the elemental force behind countless industrial applications, from aluminum production to refractory manufacturing. Mined with precision, it’s the foundational raw material that forms the backbone of various processes.

Key Features:


  • Natural Resource: Sourced directly from nature, Raw Bauxite is a testament to the Earth’s abundance and versatility.
  • Aluminum Production: A primary ingredient in aluminum smelting, it’s transformed into the lightweight, corrosion-resistant metal that shapes our modern world.
  • Refractory Manufacturing: In the realm of refractory products, Raw Bauxite stands as an indispensable material, capable of withstanding extreme temperatures in furnaces and kilns.
  • Custom Applications: Beyond its core uses, Raw Bauxite finds applications in diverse industries, from cement production to abrasives and proppants in hydraulic fracturing.
  • Versatility: It is highly adaptable, offering a wide range of specifications tailored to specific industrial needs.

When it comes to industrial prowess, Raw Bauxite is the embodiment of nature’s strength and adaptability. Embrace its potential to drive excellence in your processes, whether it’s aluminum shaping the future or refractories withstanding the harshest environments.


Raw Bauxite

Al2O3 40-48% 45-50% max  
Fe2O3 10% min 8% min 55 TO 57%
SiO2 5-10% max 4% to 7% max 0 TO 5%
TiO2 3.5% max 3.5% max 6 TO 8%
CaO 2.5-3% 2% max 2 TO 3%
LOI 29% max 28-30% max 27 TO 28%
Moisture 5% max 5% max 7 %
Size 0 to 150mm Min 0 to 150mm Min 0 to 150mm Min


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Raw Bauxite