Glass Grade

Our Glass Grade Silica Sand is the essence of crystal-clear precision. Renowned for its exceptional purity and uniform particle size, it’s the go-to choice for industries that demand impeccable clarity in their glass products.

What sets it apart?
  • Unmatched Purity: Our silica sand is celebrated for its unrivaled purity, ensuring that the glass it forms remains perfectly clear.
  • Uniform Quality: With a precisely controlled grain size distribution, it guarantees consistent glass quality, free from imperfections.
  • Versatile Excellence: From delicate glassware to cutting-edge optics, our Glass Grade Silica Sand serves diverse industries where clarity is paramount.
  • Expert Guidance: Our dedicated team is always at your service, ready to provide expert technical support for achieving the highest glass production standards.

When clarity is non-negotiable, choose Glass Grade Silica Sand for glass products that radiate with unparalleled brilliance and purity.


Silica Sand Glass Grade

Source of Sand Chemical Constituents ( % )
SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO LOI
Kutchh (Gujarat) 98.50 Min. 0.04 Max. 0.60 Max. 0.08 Max. 0.20 Max. 0.08 Max. 0.50 Max.

We can supply both Wet sand (5% moisture) and Dry sand (0.5% moisture)

Granulometry Specification:
  • 24 BSS – 0.5 % Max.
  •  120 BSS – 5 % Max.
Mode of Packaging:
  • Loose loaded in trucks.
  • In 50 kgs. PP Bag. (One time used PP/HDPE  bags).
  • In 1 MT Jumbo Bag. (One time used bags).

We can supply tailor-made material also as per the customer’s requirement.        


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Glass Grade